Leif, Stacey, Lee, Randall, and Doug are five adventurous souls who embarked on a remarkable journey and devoted a decade to honing their skills in mining, exploring, digging crystals, and ultimately selling them. Their tireless travels took them to the farthest corners of the earth, unearthing nature's most precious gemstones. But their passion for crystals extended beyond personal gain, for it grew into a desire to share their love and knowledge with the world. Inspired by their collective experiences, they decided to establish a crystal-digging adventure campground, a place where people could immerse themselves in the wonders of crystal exploration. Hailing from different states - Leif from Texas, Stacey from Colorado, Lee from Missouri, Randall from Colorado as well, and Doug from Minnesota- their diverse backgrounds enriched their encounters and deepened their connection to these mystical treasures. Today, they not only mine crystals and participate in grand shows, but they also strive to give back to the world that has been kind to them in their quest. Welcome to our Playground, and now it’s time to play.